Hello, this is Nemoz Lab.
Due to the issue with the Nemoz App Android version, it is temporarily unavailable to download the application from Google Play Store.
If you already have the Nemoz App, you can use it without any issues. For the Nemoz App iOS version, you can download it from the App Store.
For Android users who want to download the Nemoz App, we recommend you download the app from ONE store or
download the APK file for installation.
Please download the application from the link below and install based on the instructions.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience for Android users.
Nemoz will try our best to solve the issue as soon as possible.
How to use APK files to install Nemoz on Android devices
* If you already have Nemoz on your device, please use the installed app.
Download APK file (application installation file) from nemoz.io/download
Run the APK you've downloaded. Find nemoz-android-app-v2.17.6.apk from the download folder or run the APK from the alarm bar.
You might have to allow additional access from Settings. Settings>Apps>Special access>Install unknown apps>Turn on "Internet" or the browser of your choice.
Press "Install" to install the app on your device.
If you see "This app is from an unknown source", press "Install anyway".
If you already have Nemoz on your device, please delete it and reinstall it or just use the app already installed.
Press "Start Nemoz" to use Nemoz App.
You can find the detailed instructions on nemoz.io/welcome