
12. Another App pops up when I tag Nemo Card (NFC Type) on my Android phone!

You may see another App (let's call this App A) other than Nemoz App pop up when you tag Nemo Card (NFC Type) on the back of your smartphone, for example, a mobile browser or a bank app.
This is because you have set the App as default while using another type of NFC card or device on your smartphone. So when you try to call the NFC signal, App A appears.
In this case, please do the following. Go to Android Settings > Apps> select App A. Then, press Set as default and Clear defaults.
Now the default setting has been cleared and you will be able to select Nemoz when you tag Nemo Card (NFC Type) on the back of your smartphone.
If you have anything else to ask, feel free to send an inquiry via our 1:1 inquiry.
Thank you.