
Enjoy NCT DOJAEJUNG 1st Mini Album 'Perfume' on Nemoz App!

Install Nemoz App from or App Store.
Press the ‘Sign Up’ button below the password.
Enter all the information needed to sign up and press the 'Sign Up' button. Use an email as your ID.
A verification email is sent to the email account you’ve entered. Please press the 'Verify Email' button on your email. When you don't get the email in a minute, please check your spam mailbox.
Press the 'Verified' button on Nemoz app. You will be logged in automatically.
Turn on the NFC function on your device to activate SMini.
For Android phones, you must turn the NFC function on as 'Standard mode'. You can't activate the SMini with ‘Card mode’. (For the smartphones manufactured before 2018, you might have to turn on the 'Read/Write' or 'NFC' function.)
For iPhones, the NFC function is always on. However, you can only use iPhone 7 or higher versions.
Wait for 2-3 seconds after tagging the SMini on your device.
For Android, the NFC sensor is normally in the middle of the backside of the device but it may differ.
For iPhone, the sensor is on the top of the backside of the device near the camera.
Press the 'Check' button at the bottom of the SMini image. Now you have a SMini on your account.
Your SMTOWN account can be linked to Nemoz Account.
Enjoy the variety of content on SMini with various languages.
※ Notice
You can’t activate SMini (NFC Type) on devices that do not support the NFC function. You only need to activate it once to enjoy the content on SMini.